Friday, October 21, 2011

Direct Image of Newborn Planet

Astronomers used aperture masking interferometry at Keck to directly image the youngest known planet.  We can see that LkCa-15-b is a hot protoplanet with cool dust and gas still falling in.  This protoplanet is 5 times younger than the previous youngest planet.

Here is an article on Wired Science:

the Keck press release:

and the paper on the arXiv:

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

News Oct. 19.11

Crab Pulsar Emits Light at Highest Energies Ever Detected in a Pulsar System


ROSAT satellite falling to Earth

Artist's impression of the ROSAT satellite in space
Credit: DLR

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Binary black hole in a spiral galaxy

NGC 3393 has clear signs of a recent merger:

But:  how did that merger produce a close black hole pair in the core (seen here in Xrays, Fabbiano et al) without destroying the disk?

The CHANDRA press release:

and the full Nature paper:

Physics Nobel awarded for dark energy!

This is a well deserved award.  Here's the Nobel site:  click on "press release", "popular info" or "advanced info" to get more (as pdf's)